Friday, May 06, 2005

May? More like February...

With a whole week off I really thought I'd get loads done. But apart from a dry spell this afternoon and the day we spent on the Ribble it's been cold and wet, no higher than 12-15C all week. I had to keep moving to keep warm. Made some more progress clearing out the border and path by the conservatory - wish I'd done it in March - it would have taken half the time. Cut back the amelanchier and trimmed some of the other larger shrubs to reveal the red hazel framing a coral coloured deciduous azalea that's just coming into flower.

Having checked a few nurseries for Knautia Macedonia, I've given up and decided to split the one I've got. A bit tricky as it has a central chunky root stock. I've spliced it into about 10 pieces with a bit of top growth and a bit of root. It's a long season flowerer so I should still be OK for later this year.

Went to Dunham Massey to check the meconopsis - same as mine only more of them and a bit further ahead. Mine have flower buds emerging - just a bit worried about signs of slug damage already. Must be vigilant.

Oh - the swifts are back - saw them circling overhead yesterday.


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