Sunday, October 02, 2005

A good gardening day in October is a bonus

Today was one such day. Still, mild and enough sun to brighten the day. Took tons more cuttings - cornus alba 'Elegantissima', rosemary, several lavenders, Anthemis 'EC Bowles', Verbascum, Lithodora, etc. Probably a bit late for some, but they're in the polytunnel so might survive. Split and potted up Geranium sanguineum var. striatum as I'd accidentally planted it over dormant Cyclamen tubers which were fighting for light. The 'Acuba', Rocket and Corn Salad seeds have germinated in the greenhouse - it'll be interesting to see how they do.

And below are some October pics - amazing how much is still happening. I especially like the completely accidental cosmos/astrantia combination and the sunflowers - which still haven't blown over despite being ridiculously tall for the skinny canes they are held up by.

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