Sunday, March 13, 2005

Frog watching

The frogs have given up waiting for warmer weather and are spawning. About 20 are squirming around a newly laid pile of spawn amongst the water beans. If you move really slowly and lay on the grass you can get within 6 inches of them, eyeball to eyeball.

Apparently males croak to attract females, but my frogs only start croaking when the first spawn is laid - they've spent the last 2 weeks clamped to the back of any females they can find. Also, they are so thin. I thought at first all the loose skin meant they were females that had released spawn, but they are all skinny. Hopefully they'll fatten up on my slugs...

Found a hole in the earth floor of the polytunnel, about 2-3 inches across. Something has burrowed down and along about a foot and come up inside it. Don't really want to fill it in - too curious!

Cleared all the ivy, bramles and old jasmine from behind the polytunnel and took down the elderly ceanothus. Also took out the escallonia that was shading the veg plot. Cut out last year's raspberry canes. Now have a huge pile of stuff to burn - any excuse for a bit of pyromania.


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