Monday, March 14, 2005

Fecund frogs

Two more clumps of fresh spawn this morning and still at least one more bulging female still to release hers.

Had the day off to mess with the Merc (see other blog), but even a practical lass like me can only take the smell of Gunk for so long. Weeded the main spring border (pieris, camellia, wood anenomes, crocus, pulmonaria, dicentralis). I usually try to do it early before everything gets smothered in chickweed. Since the weather's supposed to be getting warmer this week I feel pleasantly ahead of the game.

Had a huge bonfire last night. Just got it going and heard the woman over the back yell 'Eddie! Who's lit a bloody bonfire? I've had enough - I'm phoning the council in the morning. Eddie? Eddie!' Now it's perfectly legal to light a safe bonfire after dark and it's the first one I've lit in six months. Even so, I'm not one for confrontation and kept well out of sight behind the hedge. Neither, it would seem, is the hapless Eddie. Poor bloke. I thought her voice sounded familiar and later it came to me - she sounded exactly like Clarrie from the Archers. Exactly like her.


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