Monday, April 11, 2005

Gardening in tandem

We got out in the garden in late afternoon and worked together on the herb patch. DB dug out the mint which had escaped its pot and was heading for next door. Gave everything a good weed and a haircut. The ants and winter have finished off the variegated oregano which is a shame. But there's room for some new ones which means yet another trip to the garden centre. Shame.

Potted up the tomato plants, did a bit of layering (fig, clematis macropetala, viburnum burkwoodii, viburnum davidii, pieris and a couple of others that I've forgotten, but will no doubt remember when I accidentally dig up the pegs. Took cuttings from the photinia, fig and fatsia japonica for J and P, but it'll be ages before they are a decent size.

May have finally thwarted the squirrel - have hung the seed feeder from a longer wire and smeared the wire and the branch it hangs from with vaseline. if it can still hang upside down to get the seeds I'll be very impressed.


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