Wednesday, November 02, 2005

My brain is full...

Back to college today for another dizzying spell of fast-feeding on plant botany. New words I learnt today include the following (writing down helps me learn them..)

- plumule (the bit of a seed embryo that turns into the first true leaves)
- endospermic (seeds in which the food store is held in the endosperm)
- drupe (bit unsure about the definition of this, but an apple is one, I think)
- parthenocarpic (Produces fruit but not seed)
- hilum (the scar on a seed where it used to be fixed to the plant)
- hypocotyl (the bit that holds the two sides of a dicotyledon seed embryo together)
- micropyle (the titchy hole in a seed testa that lets water in)
- dehiscent (seeds that are released by the splitting of an outer capsule, eg pea)
- orgibberellins (some hormone for spraying on plants to make them fruit)

Only 9, down on the weekly average of 15, but quite enough for my ageing brain!


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