Sunday, March 20, 2005

Spring has well and truly sprung

We reached 20.8C here yesterday. DB and I spent the day in his parents' garden in warm sunshine. So warm that I stripped to my sports top and got a touch of sunburn on my shoulders. I don't ever remember that happening in March before.

So there we were having a break for a cuppa and a female mallard flew out from beside the pond. Now that doesn't seem so surprising except that it's a small suburban back garden no bigger than 30' square and the pond is 4' wide maximum. An hour later she splash landed on the pond and hopped into the border. She's nesting in a hollow underneath the camelia and a pyracantha. Ged is chuffed to bits!

It's dropped cooler today but still warm enough for a 3 hour bike ride in shorts. But only just. Ged came for some frogspawn and I've taken some more cuttings. Feel very reproductive. Must be spring


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