Black gold

The pile on the right is 2 year old leaf mould. The left hand pile is 18 month old compost. Apart from the sticks in the compost and bluebell bulbs in the leaf mould, both are perfect - soft, dark and crumbly. The bins are now clear and ready for re-filling. All in all a very satisfying days work.
Note to self - make more leaf mould!
2nd note to self - turn the compost mid year to help it homogenise.
Helo WG - blimey that's some lovely looking leaf-mould. By a strange coincidence I've been collecting leaves today. Can I ask how much (in the universal measure of black bin-bags) you collected to get one of those piles?
Hi David,
The answer is - absolutely tons - maybe 15 bags?. We built a bin out of chicken wire about 4ft square by 3ft high and filled it once then topped it up when it dropped (we offered to clear the leaves from the neighbour's garden too). The following autumn we dug it out and moved it as it still looked a bit undercooked. But it is lovely now - much lighter than normal compost.
15 bags! Blimey. Well there's a lot more leaves to drop yet so I think I can get that many. I'll let you know how I get on :)
By the way, I've posted a link to this post over on my site but I can't set a 'TrackBack' as you seem to have the "Links to this post" feature switched off.
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