Sunday, January 29, 2006

Waiting, watching and rebuilding the shed.

Although the witch hazel flowered on cue, driven as it is by the day length, the flowers that rely on a little warmth for encouragement are showing little sign of enthusiasm. There are no crocuses open yet and even the snowdrops are still tight white buds. The buds on the clematis armandii are swelling, but closed and green. Overall, I think it's been a colder January than last year, though the wall to wall sunshine we've had for the last 48 hours has been lovely.

DB and I repaired next door's shed and re-felted it. Just a bit of tidying around the shed edges to do, some more bits of the old fence and ivy to remove and it will be ready for a new fence, and a layer of fresh gravel on the drive.

It's 4.30, 3degC, no wind at all and the top of the beech is still is sunshine. We meant to do the RSPB bird count, but with all the hammering on the shed we hardly saw any. Never mind. We'll do our own count in a week or two.


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