Thursday, April 20, 2006

The joy of long, mild evenings

For the past two nights I've come home, done a couple of indoor jobs, then strolled up to the polytunnel for a potter. To the accompaniment of evening birdsong I've slipped a happy half hour between work and dinner, potting up seedlings, watering, weeding pots and generally moving things along. It feels like I've gained hours.

A note on meconopsis germination - basically, all the batches I sowed have germinated. It made no difference whether they were sown in September, December or Feb. All had some time in the fridge and were sown in light, free-draining soil, but other than that, they don't seem fussed. Incidentally, I forgot to open the polytunnel yesterday and it got to 35C. Fortunately I'd moved all the meconopsis out the day before...


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