Saturday, November 25, 2006

Packing up the garden.

Since it's too dark to be outside, I took a look back at the blog for November 2005 to see what I was doing this time last year. I was planting bulbs, sowing seeds, digging out for the prairie garden and enthusiastically planning ahead for 2006. It was also freezing cold with fog and frost barely lifting for four days.

By contrast today was wet, mild and windy and I spent the afternoon digging out plants and potting them up. These are ones that will mean nothing to potential new house owners, but are unusual or scarce. Also, there are several plants that I feel very attached to, because I grew them from seed or cuttings, or were a present (I'm filling any gaps by a bit of judicious rearrangement - it still looks good) But I can't take the trees, and I feel particularly affectionate towards my winter cherry, Prunus subhirtella 'Autumnalis'. I've never seen another with such a good shape, or such a prolific flowerer. Only one of my hardwood cuttings succeeded last year, so I've taken a few more. It would be lovely to watch her babies grow to maturity - I won't feel so bad about leaving her behind.


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