An autumn of 'lasts'
I've been clearing out the polytunnel, cutting down the finished tomato and squash vines and preparing it to overwinter some young plants. Since we expect to move before spring, this should be the last time I grow tomatoes in this trusty 10 year old polytunnel. We've just collected the last crop from the two apple trees and there are doubtless many other 'lasts' to come as I clear the garden for winter.It also feels odd not to be planning ahead - I'm not planting more bulbs or garlic, or sowing overwintering salad as I planned to. It will be a different sort of autumn, wondering what I can dig up and take without leaving an obvious gap and optimistically taking the wrong sort of cuttings at the wrong time of year. There are no shortage of plants where we are going, it's just that I get attached to the actual genetic stock of a particular plant and like to take it with me if I can.
In the meantime there's plenty still to enjoy today. Euphorbia 'Silver Swan', Anemone 'Honorine Jobert' and a white fuchsia do a great job of lighting up the border under the birch tree. Anthemis tinctoria 'E.C. Buxton' looks oddly out of season with its primrose yellow flowers but still looks as good in October as it did in June. Helianthus salicifolia is a patient plant, waiting until the very last moment to flower. I love its fireworks-like soft green foliage - not so sure I'm going to like the flowers though but we'll see.

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