Cyclamen recycling.
For the past two weeks it seems that every time I was ready to get outside it started pouring. The rain hasn't been continuous, more a series of sharp, cold showers every day - enough to make serious gardening impractical.But the sun smiles on the good, I'm told, and today I replanted the neighbours' window tubs, taking out the near-dead pelargoniums and planting them with cyclamen kept from last year. I'm quite pleased with these, because I bought them last autumn and they flowered all winter. I took them out in spring, re-potted them, fed them and kept them in part shade and they've flowered again beautifully since late October. I do like a bit of recycling. So far I've failed to keep cuttings from the pelargoniums over winter, but if I get that right they can have endless, free, seasonal window boxes. Anyway, I got my reward. The sun came out as I was setting out the newly planted window boxes, so I reached for the camera, of course.

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