Saturday, January 13, 2007

Wild thing...

Three of my four best winter scented plants are in full flower now. If the wind would only die down a down a bit, they would be softly filling the garden with their perfume. As it is, any scent they are giving off is being blown across to the east coast. Yesterday we notched up a two year record high gust of wind for this garden. Only 38mph, so not exactly hurricane force, but then the anomometer is only 10 feet off the ground and behind some trees so it significantly under-records.

The only casualty of the high wind was the 'For Sale' sign in front of the house which blew down. Not that it will make the slightest bit of difference. The estate agents are suddenly deserted after this week's interest rate rise. Enough whinging about economics. Below are the three scented delights, plus my cherished winter flowering cherry. Much to my amusement a picture of this tree was published in the Grauniad yesterday to illustrate how unseasonably mild the winter was. Well it is remarkably mild, but this tree flowers in January anyway.

Sarcococca confusa or 'Christmas box'. A sweet, strong scent, capable of filling the area around a doorway. Slow growing and great in a pot.

Virburnum bodnantense 'Dawn'. A soft, sweet scent which perfectly matches the sugary looking flowers.

Hamammelis mollis. A hard-to-describe scent. Sweet, but sharp too. Heady and powerful.

Prunus subhirtella 'Autumnalis' flowering quite normally in January, despite the papers listing this as evidence of an unusually mild month.


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