The longest night - and a tribute to Christopher Lloyd
The official midwinter point was at 22 minutes past midnight last night. I have no doubt that this winter has yet to deliver its worst in terms of low temperatures, but the shortest day marks a pivotal moment in the gardener's annual cycle.Christopher Lloyd was the subject of a one-off special programme tonight. Earlier this year I went to Great Dixter for the first time, some 8 months after his death. I was blown away and inspired in equal measure, as every other person I know has been after their first visit. I was impressed, yes, but also made to laugh aloud by the man's audacity, his thumbed nose to the conventional, his disregard for establishment and keen sense of innovation. I hope that when I'm 90 (liver permitting...) I am kicking over the traces of authority with equal vigour. But I know there is such a fine line between successful innovation and simply getting it wrong. Well, what the heck. Experiment and be damned - I'm sure he'd approve.
So, a small tribute to CL follows: a few pictures from his tropical garden (RIP The Rose Garden), taken in a rare downpour in August 2006.

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