Name one good thing about sleet...
I can't stand sleet. Every other 'weather' has something going for it - even if it's only the entertainment value of gale force winds and torrential downpours. But sleet is pure misery. The semi-frozen sludge sticks to bare skin, seeps into gloves, up sleeves and down collars, making any outdoor task out of the question. I should be pleased, taking the opportunity to clear cupboards, pack up the shed and gleefully part company with 20 years of accumulated crap, but instead I'm staring out the window at the grey, squelchy slush and shivering at the thought of it.Mooching about uselessly is not an option, however. With the last of the legal hurdles all but cleared up, we should be buying the nursery on Thursday, and moving on Friday. So there's much to be done.
Just one photo for you from the brief cold snap. And two little Jacaranda seedlings, looking very fragile and uncertain. No wonder really - they are in the wrong half of the planet at the wrong time of year.
Jacaranda seedlings - the product of my first foray into international seed collection. Although I think picking them up on Sydney harbour front doesn't really count.
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