Pot luck...

A steady cold drizzly mist meant no outdoor gardening, though I did a bit of pricking out in the almost equally cold polytunnel.
However, it dried up enough for a walk along a footpath near us and we came across an area newly planted up by the local authority. All the pots and plant trays had been left nearby and had been strewn across the path and beds. After some um-ing and ah-ing,I collected up most of the smaller pots and took them home. My rationale for this is:
- if they'd wanted them they'd have taken them or locked them up in their adjacent lockup
- They probably throw them away rather than return them to the nursery so it's like recycling
- that I'm giving them as good a home as they'll get anywhere
- I tidied up the mess a bit for them
- our in-house ethicist (youngest Trillia) agreed that it was probably morally acceptable.
Here's the scene...

I would officially call stuff left lying around like that, street bounty. Good for you, Trillium.
Just found your blog, thanks to an earlier lurk around the Gardener's World message board.
Thanks sharlr - and welcome.
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