Cyclamen seedlings and other babies
After losing the fish through my own stupidity, it was reasuring to see some success stories amongst the plants. The cyclamen seeds I sowed three weeks ago have germinated, their little heart shaped leaves unfolding gingerly in the treacherously mild September air.My mother gave me some cerinthe seedlings three weeks ago which have survived being left in a plastic bag and almost completely drying out and now look quite healthy. I'm looking forward to replicating the picture in GW magazine a few months back of golden Escholzia californica married with blue cerinthe next summer.
And finally, some tree propagation successes. The left hand tree in the bottom picture is the one successful hardwood cutting from my winter flowering cherry, Prunus subhirtella 'Autumnalis', and four successful apple rootstock cuttings, MM106 I think - I need to check. I'll graft onto them next year and these will form the start of my own, home grown orchard.

Hi Trillium,
Where did you get your cyclamen seedlings from, I had some that self germinated last year, but would like to get some more seedlings.
I collected the seed from ripe pods from the plants in my garden and sowed them in pots about 3 weeks ago. It might be too late to collect now, I think any remaining the pods will have burst, but I'll have a look around for you. I got the idea from Adam Pascoe's article in July's GW mag.
Hi Alan,
When I post a blog entry, there is a picture icon at the top of the 'create new etnry' text box. I click this, browse the pictures on my PC, select left, right or centre and hey presto.
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